Tuesday, December 31, 2019

3. Reflection

2019: A mixture.

Saw my cousin do a public reading for her first published work.
Ate cupcakes with my new brother.
My aunt Paula went on hospice.
Celebrated 24 years with Troy.
Met my pen pal of 35 years for the first time as she traveled to WA from her native PA.
Was in the newspaper with said pen pal.
My pregnant sister and P-Lou were in a car accident.
Scared the shit out of me.
Thankful they are fine.
Talked to Jimi Hendrix.
Paula died.
I went to therapy.
I started big soul work.
I continue big soul work.
Talked to my grandpa & grandma via a medium.
Visited Bremerton and explored.
Ate Scotch eggs for the first time.
Want to eat Scotch eggs again.
Baby #1 born. It's a girl! (I'm an auntie! Again!)
Baby # 2 born. It's a boy! (I'm an auntie! Again!)
I love being an auntie.
Ate cupcakes with my new brother. Again.
Went to Vegas for a week with Troy.
Stayed at a resort for the first time.
Stood by Troy as he fought for his health.
Supported Archer in his quest to finish school.
Continue to support Archer in his quest.
Spent a week at a Seattle hospital with Troy to aid diagnosis.
Felt a little lighter when Troy got a diagnosis.
Celebrated friends.
Celebrated family.
Recognized blessings in the everyday.